Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Aloha from Hawaii (Part 2)

It has been a really really long time since I have updated this blog. My last post detailed my experiences in Malaysia, but shortly after returning to Singapore, everything became extremely busy. I had a wonderful last week in Singapore and I hope I have the opportunity to return someday. The only day I wanted to mention in this extremely belated post was Easter Sunday. In the morning, we went on a long hike to the highest point on the island. It was a tough but exciting hike with monkeys racing though the treetops above us. The hike was in the morning, so I wasn’t able to attend an Easter Sunrise service. However, we didn’t have anything scheduled for the afternoon or night, so I wandered to the local Baptist church. Everyone there was extremely welcoming and friendly. The service was spoken in Chinese and English, so I could understand it but I also had the chance to experience the local Chinese language. The most incredible part of the service was that we sang the same songs that I usually sing on Easter at my home church in Lake City. It made me nostalgic for home, but also made me revel in the holiness of our God. It’s hard to believe that two very different cultures from across the world celebrate and worship the same God. I guess it just made me realize how powerful and amazing He is! Praise the Lord! 

After returning from Singapore, I took one more class at the Marine Lab and then headed up to Boston to join my dad in the 100-mile Wilderness. For those of you who don’t know, this is the northernmost section of the Appalachian Trail and is also the most remote. Dad and I were the first people on the trail for the season and we soon understood why. The middle section of the trail was completely covered with snow. We tried to fight our way through it for hours, but the trail became impassible shortly before the halfway point. We had to turn around and take a side trail out of the wilderness, but we definitely plan on finishing it someday!

I am currently writing this new post from the deck of the Kilo Moana. Yep! I’m back in Hawaii for the summer version of the research cruise that I participated in this past winter. After a hectic travel day, we spent yesterday preparing the vessel for the upcoming cruise by unpacking boxes, setting up the equipment, and strapping everything down. Last night, all the scientists went out to eat, which is a tradition before embarking on each cruise. There are fewer scientists than the last cruise, but everyone is friendly and enthusiastic about the upcoming month. I had a blast making new friends and catching up with the friends from the last cruise!

6 a.m. sunrise on the
Kilo Moana
Justin and Ming performed surgery
on our broken vortex
This morning we were supposed to have breakfast at 6:30, but I was too excited and woke up at 5:45 without even considering trying to get back to sleep. I was super pumped to get out to sea again! Unfortunately, first we had to stop at the fuel dock to fill up the tank. The Kilo Moana can hold 185,000 gallons of fuel and it took around 6 hours to fill her up! In the meantime, we finalized setting up the labs and fixing the little kinks and problems. Finally, we were all filled up and ready to sail into the sunset! The rocking and rolling of the ship feels familiar and I hope I won’t have any problems preparing my sea legs. So far, everything is okay! We even performed our first CTD cast. It was just warm-up round to make sure all the instruments were working and everyone knew what to do. I think it went well! We have one more night of uninterrupted sleep tonight and then everything starts up for real with 4 a.m. casts! I’m so excited! I honestly didn’t think I would be back here again, but now that I am, I am thrilled! It will be a great month!
The three Duke undergrads:
Justin, Me and Ming

Goodbye, Hawaii!

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