Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Blast From The Past

80's day aboard the Kilo Moana
80’s day aboard the Kilo Moana started off at 4 am. I really like helping with the cast (when we deploy the rosette) in the morning, so I am usually up before most of the other undergrads. I was all decked out in my 80’s gear when I went downstairs… but I was the only one. Awkward! However, within the hour everyone else was up and I was not alone in my brightly colored 80’s outfit. Several other scientists decided to go along with the theme of the day. The crew thought we were pretty strange, but I’m sure they probably see a lot of weird scientists on other cruises. We blasted 80’s music in the labs while we were working and even played 80’s trivia at night (with some oceanography questions mixed in). Our team came in 3rd place!... out of 4:)

Sampling in our 80's gear!
Today was amazing, not only because of the theme, but also because it was a beautiful day outside. Perfectly warm, sunny, and calm. It was probably one of the calmest days we’ve had so far. For being on a ship in the middle of the ocean, we sure do stay inside a lot of the time. I thought I would spend a huge amount of time outside, but by the time I finish filtering and recording my data, it’s late and there is no time to chill on deck. Today was different. We worked really fast so that we would be able to spend a little bit of time in the warm sunshine. The undergrads even decided to have a picnic lunch out on deck! It was an absolutely perfect day! Plus, the 4 am cast has been delayed until 6 tomorrow so we get to sleep in!!


A picnic lunch on deck!

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